On Stage The MTA Newsletter
Muhlenberg Theatre and Dance Newsletter: Spring 2004
To the entire MTA (past and present),

We are so thrilled to be able to bring you the Spring 2004 edition of the MTA newsletter. This issue is far larger than last semester's and the continued growth and impact of the newsletter has us thinking of other new ways to branch out to our alumni population. As always we would be more than happy to receive any comments that you have about the newsletter or about the MTA alumni relations in general. This has been a great semester for the MTA and we hope that you take some time to find out just what we've been up to.
Matt Freeman
MTA Public Relations Coordinator

Previous Edition
Featured Articles
Divas Raise Money for the MTA
By Lydia Brubaker

On Saturday, February 28th the Garden Room was transformed into an elegant formal setting for a night of beautiful music and delicious food, all to benefit the Muhlenberg Theatre Association. The performance, entitled Always True to You: Muhlenberg Divas Sing Broadway, consisted of twelve talented young women singing well-known songs from Tony Award-winning Broadway shows. Guests, ranging from the parents of the performers and MTA e-board members to friends of the college, members of the staff, and even President and Mrs. Helm, sipped wine and enjoyed hors d'oeuvres before the show started. Paulette Cramer & Wood Catering staff also provided a choice of wonderful meals to compliment the performance, the favorite of the night being roasted beef tenderloin in Merlot sauce. [Read More]

Thoughtfully Examining The World Through Documentary Theater
By Meghan Winch

"We, as theater artists, have a duty to the world." With this statement, Robbie Saenz de Viteri, '04, sums up his driving force for interest in and creation of documentary theater, a form in which the words and beliefs of real people are placed onstage and performed by actors. These pieces often center on a current event or a core group of issues, and the play is built on interviews, and the resultant words are performed by the company. Through his independent research and research which resulted from a grant he received to study the theatrical form at Muhlenberg in the summer of 2003, Robbie now has the background and increased passion to create his own piece, which will be performed here at Muhlenberg from April 30th through May 2nd. [Read More]

Presidential Fireside Chat
By Charlotte McIvor

Usually the idea of warmer weather makes me happy. It reminds me that summer is coming, and that there are new experiences ahead. This spring, however, I dread the approach of warmer weather. This year, rising temperatures are a sign of the beginning of the end. The end of my life as a Muhlenberg student, and perhaps more importantly, as a member of the MTA. [Read More]

MTA Tackles ACTF
By Adam Pinti

Winter break is a time to relax. It is a time to celebrate, to rest, and to enjoy spending time with the family. This year was a little different. Ninety-nine Muhlenberg College theatre students put down the fruitcake and party hats, shoveled themselves out of the snow and flew, drove, or just plain walked back to the campus to host the 36th Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival, held from January 7th to January 11th in our beautiful theatre buildings. [Read More]

The Wide World Outside of the MTA
By Kaitlyn Huczko and Noah Herman

Are you feeling queasy about leaving the warm, comfortable haven that is the MTA? Want your big break outside of school but you don't know where to start? Well, check out some of these sources for information about auditions in the NYC and Philadelphia areas. [Read More]

Newsletter Staff
Editor: Megan O'Donnell
Newsletter Coordinator: Matt Freeman
Web Designer: Tim Mullin
Writers: Lydia Brubaker
Kristin M. Burkhart
Phil Haas
Noah Herman
Kaitlyn Huczko
Caitlin Mahoney
Charlotte McIvor
Adam Pinti
Marc Rogol
Mia Scarpa
Cara Scharf
Sara Schoenleber
Danielle Tolles
Meghan Winch
Contact Us
Questions or comments about the MTA?
Please email us at Free2250@muhlenberg.edu
Questions or comments about the web site?
Please email Tim at tm230579@muhlenberg.edu