On Stage The MTA Newsletter
Muhlenberg Theatre and Dance Newsletter: Fall 2003
To the entire MTA (past and present) and the Theatre and Dance Faculty,

We are so excited to have established this on-line newsletter as a way to better keep in touch with all of you. Our hope is to have a new edition live by the end of each semester. We have tried to compile a group of articles that is both informative and interesting, and thanks in large part to our wonderful writing staff, I am really pleased with what was created. As this is the first newsletter, we are still looking for ways to grow and meet everyone's interests. Don't hesitate to contact us at Free2250@muhlenberg.edu with any suggestions about what you want to see in future issues. We look forward to hearing from you soon!!!
Matt Freeman
MTA Public-Relations Coordinator

MTA Photos

Production photos can now be ordered online from our photographer Joe Edelman. Note: If you plan to order photos for Christmas, you must place your order before Monday, December 15th.

Featured Articles
Presidential Fireside Chat
"If You Can Dream It, You Can Accomplish It Here"
By Charlotte McIvor

This summer, I was perusing American Theatre when I came across an article about the institutionalization of theatre. This article was entitled "Whither (or Wither) Art?" It was written by Zelda Fichlandler, current chair of the graduate acting program at NYU. This piece pondered the relationship between art and business, and when the emphasis on making art is strangled by the desire to make money. This article was deeply fearful of the separation of artists from institutions, and dreamed that: "Artists should be invited to become involved in the total life of institutions in order to provide it with their special knowledge and point-of-view and to have their say." As I sat and read this, I thought about the relationship of these themes to my own life as an artist, and I realized something important. [Read More]

Newsletter Staff
Editor: Megan O'Donnell
Newsletter Coordinator: Matt Freeman
Web Designer: Tim Mullin
Writers: Nick "Moose" Belton
Amanda Ellison
Noah Herman
Steve Hoppe
Charlotte McIvor
Adam Pinti
Sara Schoenleber
Meghan Winch
Contact Us
Questions or comments about the MTA?
Please email us at Free2250@muhlenberg.edu
Questions or comments about the web site?
Please email Tim at tm230579@muhlenberg.edu