As the stage manager for Dancing at Lughnasa, I was presented with several exciting and interesting challenges; a relatively short rehearsal period, a first-time Mainstage student director, and a dense text. Lughnasa was the first Mainstage I had stage managed with a student director. Thankfully, the director, Matt Moore, is both a friend and colleague, as we have collaborated on numerous Black Box productions prior to Lughnasa. However, Lughnasa was the first Mainstage that we have worked on together. This unique situation created several learning experiences for both of us, as the department left us pretty much on our own to form and shape the show. For Matt, having an experienced stage manager was helpful, and for me, working with a new director was exciting and fun. Throughout the process, we relied heavily upon one another for support and encouragement; it was quite refreshing to be able to have this new experience in a position I've held for several other shows. [Read More]