Financial Policy and Procedure

Financial Policy

We are committed to providing our patients with quality health care. If a patient has health insurance, we will work to assist them in receiving the maximum allowable benefit and to fulfill their personal financial obligation to pay for co-pays, deductibles and non-covered, remaining balances. If a patient does not have health insurance, we will work with that patient with sensitivity and fairness to receive payment for our services. A system of assistance based on income and corresponding payment arrangements will be utilized to support our patients facing financial hardship meet their financial obligation to our medical practice.


Payment for services is due and expected at the time services are rendered. Questions regarding our fees and the charges associated with a patient’s past, present or future care will be directed to a billing representative. We accept cash, checks, MasterCard or Visa. Patients with insurance will be asked for current and applicable insurance information each time services are performed. Our billing department staff will be available to discuss the contractual aspects of patient insurance coverage as it pertains to any remaining balance financial responsibility. Patients with insurance and facing financial hardship are encouraged to discuss terms of payment with our billing staff. Likewise, patients without insurance and facing financial hardship are encouraged to discuss terms of payment with our billing staff. Outstanding balances that have reached 90 days past due will be turned over to a collection agency unless prior arrangements for payment have been made with our billing department. Finance charges on balances past 90 days may be applied. All collection fees and legal fees will become the responsibility of the patient. Once a patient’s account is turned over to collection, a determination by the practice will be made as to whether or not the patient will be discharged from the practice and be informed to seek medical treatment elsewhere. Once informed of the decision to discharge, the patient will have 30 days to make other arrangements for continued medical care with another physician.