This paper appeared in the March-April AWM Newsletter, 1995, Vol. 25, No. 2

Calculator Use and Gender Issues


In the spring of 1995 the College Board will require graphing calculators for the Advanced Placement exams in calculus.  Will the requirement of calculators adversely affect the achievement of young women on the exams?  That is the issue raised in the following statement from the November-December AWM Newsletter: "Young women may be placed at a disadvantage if they are less at ease with the technology than the young men" (Vol. 24, No. 6,1994, p. 9). 

The increased use of calculators in mathematics instruction does have gender-related implications for confidence and achievement, but those implications are not the ones suggested in the quotation above.  Although it is a commonly held notion that many women and girls are less comfortable with technology than their male counterparts, research evidence supports this only with regard to computer use in mathematics.  Calculators, on the other hand, seem to generate more positive feelings about mathematics, increase confidence to do mathematics for both males and females, and improve performance in in a variety of areas including problem solving [8].  In fact, results from some recent studies indicate that with calculators female students perform as well or better than males.  Consider the following:

• In a study of high school students taking precalculus, Ruthven [9] found that among calculator users women scored higher than men on symbolization tasks (converting functions to algebraic form given their graphs) but the reverse was true for the non-technology group.  However, on graph interpretation items -- for which technology did not give an advantage to the treatment group -- males did better than females with or without calculators. 

  Boers and Jones [2] reported that graphing calculators benefited females more than males when technology was required in a college calculus course for mathematics/computer science majors.  For the two years before calculators were required, males had averaged slightly higher than women on the final exam.   After the introduction of graphing calculators, the women's scores improved so that their final averages for the next two semesters were 10 and 9 points higher, respectively, than the men's . 

  In a study of over 200 college students enrolled in precalculus, Dunham [3] found that men showed greater achievement than women on visual items on a pretest.  After ten weeks of instruction with graphing calculators, both groups showed significant gains in achievement on the posttest.  However, gains for the women were greater, thereby eliminating the gender differences that had been present on the pretest.

  Gender differences have been observed as well when non-graphing models of calculators were in use.  Bitter, Hatfield, and Mercer [1] reported a positive influence on both performance and attitudes for middle school students who used "fraction" calculators.   Overall, students made gains of one grade level or more when using calculators on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills, but scores of the females increased to a greater extent than those of the males.  The girls, who had scored lower on average than the boys without calculators, performed equal to or better than the boys when both groups were tested with calculators.  Survey results indicated that the students felt more competent and better able to understand mathematics when using technology.

Motivating girls and women to study mathematics is one of the great challenges the mathematics community faces today.  Many educators and organizations like the MAA, the NCTM, and the National Research Council have claimed that the use of graphing calculators will increase students' interest and motivation and remove some of the barriers to learning mathematics that have existed in the past.   We are now beginning to see evidence from research that the claims have merit.  Recent studies have shown that, when compared to non-technology users, students with graphing calculators engaged more willingly in problem solving and stayed with a problem longer, had more flexible approaches to problem solving, had greater overall achievement on graphing items, and better understood connections among graphical, numerical and algebraic representations.   Moreover, students reported greater confidence in their ability to solve problems when calculators were available.  (See the research summaries in  [4] and [5] for specific studies and citations.)

But why would the use of calculators benefit young women more than young men, even to the extent of giving females an advantage over males in some cases?  The answers are not clear-cut, but there are at least four plausible reasons why calculator-enhanced instruction might affect women's mathematical achievement in this fashion.  These involve issues of confidence, spatial ability, algebra skills, and classroom environment.

First, confidence consistently emerges as a significant predictor of mathematical achievement for women, more so than for men [6].  Anything that raises confidence thus might have a greater benefit to women than men.  Ruthven [9] has conjectured that women gain confidence because graphing calculators provide feedback on algebraic work.  That reduces anxiety and may result in increased achievement.  In other studies [3,10,11] women have reported feeling more confident in their work because the calculator provided a way to check algebraic solutions and confirm the accuracy of answers.

Second,  gender differences in spatial ability have traditionally favored males,  and spatial ability is sometimes a significant predictor for mathematics achievement in women.  Since graphing technology requires students to reason from visually-presented information, one might suppose that women would be at a greater disadvantage with graphing calculators.  In fact, it appears that using graphing calculators can actually improve spatial ability.  Shoaf-Grubbs [10] used traditional measures of spatial ability with female students enrolled in college algebra.  She reported that women in the graphing calculator section made greater gains in spatial visualization skills than women in a non-technology section.  Despite an advantage for the control group on pretests, the treatment group scored significantly higher on the Card Rotation posttest and made larger gains on the Paper Folding test than the control group.   Ruthven [9] has suggested that more exposure to graphical images via technology may have improved the females' ability to visualize functions and graphs, thereby remediating a deficiency in experience and leading to higher achievement for the women in his study.  Other researchers have shown that spatial ability is amenable to training [7], so this may be a valid interpretation.  Even if ability to visualize does not improve, the calculator provides an alternative source of visual images for those who cannot create their own.  Having the option of approaching a problem both visually and algebraically is helpful as this woman notes: "In my case, I can think about the problem more logically and realistically.  Using the calculator has been a great learning tool in that it uses illustrations, it is more interesting." [11, p. 6]

Third, along with increased attention to visual methods of solution, graphing calculator instruction reduces attention to algebraic symbol manipulation.  De-emphasizing a traditional area of strength for women could lead to lower achievement for them but, in an analysis of calculus exam responses, Boers and Jones [2] found that the opposite had occurred.  Males and females did prefer different solution strategies, with men leaning more toward graphing solutions and women more toward algebraic strategies.  It was the females' better performance on purely algebraic questions that gave them their "edge" as they were able to use a full range of tools, combining strength in algebra with new skills in graphical solutions. 

Choice of solution method is further complicated when its interaction with confidence is considered.  Dunham [3] found that when given a choice of strategies, low confidence females were the most likely group to use graphing calculators and high confidence females the least likely.  Analysis of interviews revealed that women tended to use algebra wherever possible but they were happy to have a calculator to "fall back on" when their algebra skills (or their confidence in those skills) were not adequate.  Attitudes toward calculators didn't play a role in choice, in that most students expressed confidence in graphing solutions and viewed calculators as fast, efficient, reliable tools.  But the high confidence females were more likely to exhibit "algebraic guilt," a feeling that they relied too much on "easy" calculator solutions and would benefit more from learning algebraic techniques.  The implication was, "Algebra is hard so it must be good for you."  High confidence females also mentioned that using algebra gave them a greater sense of personal accomplishment.

Finally,  past research on gender issues has shown that female students achieve more in mathematics classrooms that promote cooperative learning over competitive settings [6].   Recent studies indicate that use of graphing calculators dramatically changes the classroom climate [4,5].  Instructors lecture less and students engage in more group work, investigation, and problem solving.  Thus a curriculum that fully integrates technology may create a classroom environment that fosters and encourages female students and is more conducive to their learning.

Further research is needed to determine which, if any, of these factors accounts for female students' success with graphing calculators.  But whatever the reason, it seems likely that young women will not be disadvantaged by the requirement of graphing calculators for the AP calculus exams.  Despite common notions that girls and women are less comfortable with technology, most calculator users will agree with the female college algebra student who wrote, " It is great to have a graph in the palm of your hand and to be able to explore it and make comparisons.  The graphing calculator should be introduced as soon as possible to help overcome the common fears of math." [11, p. 6]

Perhaps an even stronger testament to the power of technology is the one written by a student from the non-technology section of Shoaf-Grubbs' study:  "Although I never used [a graphing calculator], I think that it should be used as a tool/device because all of my friends who took the calculator section enjoyed it very much.  They also said that the calculator decreased their anxiety about math." [11, p. 7]  If word-of-mouth can generate such a reputation for graphing calculators among women who haven't even used them, think what benefits await women who do use the technology!



1.   Bitter, G. G., Hatfield, M. M., & Mercer, J.  (1989).  Arizona State University/Scottsdale Unified School District Calculator Project: 1989-90.   Report available from Technology Based Learning and Research Community Services Center, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.

2.  Boers, M. A. M., & Jones, P. L.  (1993).  Exam performance and the graphics calculator in calculus.  In B. Atweh, C. Kanes, M. Carss, & G. Booker (Eds.), Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Mathematics Research Groups of Australasia  (pp. 123-128).  Queensland University of Technology.

3.   Dunham, P. H.  (1991).  Mathematical confidence and performance in technology-enhanced precalculus: Gender-related differences.  (The Ohio State University, 1990).  Dissertation Abstracts International, 51, 3353A.

4.   Dunham, P. H.  (1993).  Does using calculators work?  The jury is almost in.  UME Trends, 5(2), 8-9.

5.   Dunham, P. H., & Dick, T. P.  (1994).  Research on graphing calculators.  Mathematics Teacher, 87,440-445.

6.   Fennema, E., & Leder, G.C.  (Eds.).  (1990).  Mathematics and gender.  New York: Teachers College Press.

7.   Ferrini-Mundy, J.  (1987).  Spatial training for calculus students: Sex differences in achievement and in visualization ability.  Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 18, 126-140.

8.   Hembree, R., & Dessart, D. J.  (1986).  Effects of hand-held calculators in precollege mathematics education: A meta-analysis.  Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 17, 83-99.

9.   Ruthven, K.  (1990).  The influence of graphic calculator use on translation from graphic to symbolic forms.  Educational Studies in Mathematics, 21, 431-450.

10. Shoaf-Grubbs, M. M.  (1993).  The effect of the graphics calculator on female students' cognitive levels and visual thinking.  (Columbia University, 1992).  Dissertation Abstracts International, 54, 119A.

11. Shoaf-Grubbs, M. M.  (1995).  The long-term effects of the graphics calculator on female students' spatial visualization skills and level of understanding in elementary graphing and algebra concepts.   Paper presented at AMS-MAA Joint Meetings, San Francisco, January 4-7, 1995.

Personal Information


Penelope H. Dunham, Ph.D.

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Muhlenberg College

Allentown, PA 18104



Penny Dunham is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA, and a College Board consultant for AP calculus.  She has conducted research, written, and spoken extensively on the integration of technology with mathematics instruction.  She is also on the Board of Directors of Women and Mathematics Education.